Monday, December 10, 2018

The Ilokana Way of Adulting

These are some of the things I learned over the past two years working and living in the city life alone.

These are things that I thought would be very important to take note if you’re living independently. Especially if you’re a woman.

Well, you don’t have to only take note, you have to understand and know that maybe sooner or later, you’ll have the same struggles and encounters as mine.

If you’re an independent woman and already working, whether you’re from the Ilocandia or not, these are things you might be able to correlate to.

You may laugh, you may smile, and you may raise your hand if you’re guilty finding yourself in the same situation. You’re free to tell me things you have in your minds as well so I could also learn my lessons!

So since I’ve got a lot in my list, I want to share them to you, right here in my blog, written like a market list. Enjoy, Mi cara mia!

1. You become sophisticated. AND.THAT.IS.INEVITABLE.

The moment you realize you’re on your own feet, you get more strict to yourself. More cynical. And better in decision-making.

2. You grow into a more mature individual than what you and others expect of you.

3. You become more bossy. If you have a boyfriend, this might be a problem but you can sure fix it if he is so into you that he will be willing to talk about almost everything.

4. You become more  curious and adventurous at the same time that you try to spend a lot of time wanderlusting. You have your own money and time, and there's nothing wrong with doing something that makes you happy from it.Your soul demands its own time as well.

5. You become an enthusiast of all fields of study and profession. From business, cooking, literature, engineering, architecture, aeronautics, to medicine. Because you will want a piece of everything so that as you grow old, you can tell a single thing or two about anything under the sun to your future child. And if you give yourself time to explore enough, you'll bring the good news home.

6. You get more judgments behind you. You won’t care anyway.

7. You become more cynical (as I mentioned earlier). Not only with love (if you’re single), but with all the people around you. DOUBTFUL.PRESSURED.PARANOID. Yes, adulthood strikes you now.

8. You become more open to saying what you think and feel; sharing what you have is sharing a piece of you. And you know the right people to share it to.

9. You worked eight full hours and you feel as if the whole world is on you.

10. You have to go to the massage center every month at least. Believe me. This is a need. Make-up and facial treatments should be secondary.

11. You feel like you’re bloated every single time you eat. You might be under pressure because you read all those articles that as you age, there’s a high possibility that your metabolism goes slower and SLOWER. Working the stress out helps a lot though.

12. Yes, you might love your job, the environment in your company, but being tired is a part of it as well. Remember, it’s better to feel tired after doing a lot than feeling tired still after doing nothing.

13. All the #adulting responsibilities are on you.

If you are independent as early as nineteen, you’re perceived as the breadwinner or ‘panganay’ (first child). Me, not really, but I support them of course when they need my hand.

14. You want to study more. Because you feel like your entire college life was just a part of your responsibility that you needed to complete and you took a course of study which you believed would take you to your dream job. But sometimes, it’s not always the case.

In my case, I loved what I took. But there are times that I want to do something to add up to my profile and could build my career opportunities better. More skills more chances of winning!

Personally, I chose to study Communication Arts because I loved talking and acting in front of the camera. But as I applied for the biggest broadcasting companies in the country and auditioned to numerous talent agencies, I realized, dream demands a lot of sacrifice, time, and money. It’s expensive, but it’s going to be worth it in the end.

15. Your choice of clothes have changed. You  might have laughed at what facebook throws at you when the “this was your photo four years ago” appears in your timeline.

16. And when you’re looking back at your dreams back in college, they seemed simple. And that they will happen simply. Or that you have to be lucky first to get there. Now, you even want to try doing something that’s out of your league. I tried drum lessons as I wanted to be in a band, it didn’t work. I wanted to learn a different language, mi amor, it’s expensive. And you’ll have agonies if it will result to good ending or not. I am thinking of being a pastry chef, but I don’t really cook. But I do well know, it takes action to take yourself to your imagination.


What I mean is, there will be a lot in your mind. They say millenials are ‘masiyadong atat’ (hurrying things too much). But it’s how you should work on your dreams. Once you find it, chase it. Keep chasing until you get them.

Don’t wait until such time that you feel like your choices were wrong. Go for the what is, not what ifs. No choice or decision is wrong. You’ll know what’s best for yourself. And trying should not be an option, it’ a must. You can go to your current job, but don’t stop pursuing your passion and your dreams. The spotlight is just around the corner. Go chase it!

17. Don’t be envious with those who already reached their goals or dreams at early age. Think like this instead, if you already reached your dreams early, what are you going to do with your life now in the next few years? Live the same exact life without any challenges or journeys? I bet you’ll be bored. I mean, it’s okay that you go through the rocks and mountains and slides.

Because it will be worth it the moment you are at the summit of your dreams already. You want to write? Then write poems, articles, start your novel, submit them to publishing firms. You want to act? Then audition whenever given the chance. You want to become an artist? Then don’t get tired or demotivated creating your craft. Build your portfolio silently and make the loudest noise once you have it all.

18. You’ll realize, all of the people strive for the same great things. Money AND fame. It can be money OR fame. The dream to work as if you’re not working and building an empire of your own with your pinky fingers. But it’s not that easy. Again, dreams are never cheap. Should never be cheap.

19. There will be times while working that you wish you were just a child of the queen and king. That you were born with a silverspoon. For me, I wish I had celebrity or royal parents. But those are wishful thinking and mindless dreaming part of us. It’s natural. And at the end of the day, being satisfied of what and who we have is the most important thing.

20. There are times you are thankful for your life, and there are times that you curse. I wish you’ll be more of the thankful type. LOL.

21. We tend to talk about a lot of mundane mutations. But does not apply to our own lives sometimes.

22. You may feel inspired the other day then depressed the next day. Yea, I get it. Get your earphones and listen to music or grab your laptop and enjoy a movie yourself. Make yourself busy and motivated!

23. It won’t hurt to keep a journal. It helps us feel alive and more worth it.

I keep track of things I do during weekends and weekdays. As I read them back, I realized that my life is simply fantastic and pretty busy!

24. Never look down at yourself. Not even at other people.

25. Choose who you are with. Quantity vs. Quality.

26. You always tell yourself to go out and have fun. And end up lying in bed because suddenly you don’t feel like it.

27. You'll try to maximize and give a second look to the benefits you're getting from you employer. Is your work being compensated enough? Is it being recognized? Are you happy doing your job? These are some of the questions that normally come into our minds.

If you're a woman, you always TRY TO CONNECT THE DOTS IN EVERYTHING YOU DO.

28. You will also try to think about your savings. If you're really saving enough and what is it thay you're really saving for?

Actually, this is about you trying to outline your future. Every. Single.Freaking.Time.

When to settle down. Who and what type of guy to settle down with. When to have kids. When to put up a house. When to invest.

Thisnis the time for olanning and realuzing your dreams, girls.

29. You will try to do all the things you think you haven't. I hope those activities will help you know yourself more though and make you grow more.

Me, I just travel, socialize, not forgetting to make myself happy as I choose to be one.

We could be broken by our choices, so why not make smart choices and keep them safe?

But the thing is, you get to enjoy yourself, ONLY when you’re satisfied. It’s happiness when you get to like what you do. It’s freedom when you love what you have and do. And that’s all that’s there is. If you think you have to experience a lot first before you pass out, make sure that you’re experiencing life and stay human and humane, the luxury should come second. Live your kindness and being real a legend.

Thank you, for dropping by! Don't forget to keep chasing dreams!

Check my INSTAGRAM @chasingmeagan for an adventurous trip with me!

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